Sep 3, 2013

With Just A Little Luck

Some time ago we ran across an interesting story about "building the luck" into your new home.  It seems that many years ago it was considered lucky to put a coin into your home as you were building it.  I have found stories of people putting a penny in the foundation and others of people who put silver dollars under the sill boards. Some stories say that it is for luck and others say it is to bring prosperity to the homeowners.  Either way we decided not to take any chances.  We put a penny in the foundation for luck; and 4 quarters in the sill board under the first sill log.  We couldn't easily find a silver dollar and it seemed fitting to put 4 quarters instead.  Even though Orrin can't be here for the building project this will still be HOME for him and Courtney when they are on leave from the US Navy. So the penny is stuck and the quarters are in place; and as an added measure we all signed the sill board. We were so happy to have Orrin home for a long weekend so that he could put his quarter in place.


Here's to luck and prosperity 
for us and the future generations who will live in our log home.

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